Vital Force Physio



Red Light Therapy

The use of light or photobiomodulation is quickly becoming a popular modality to enhance recovery and improve athletic performance (4). For years the application of different light waves has been used by medical professionals to treat various skin conditions. Now,...


Heart Rate Variability

The most important health and fitness metric you don’t know about There are many fitness trackers on the market which are commonly seen on gym goers in the forms of watches, bands, and even rings. Gone are the days when taking your resting heart rate by hand...


Unstable Load Training

If you are a regular at the gym, you have probably seen many different pieces of equipment that promise to improve “stability.” BOSU balls, swiss balls, TRX suspension trainers, wobble boards, and foam pads, are common in fitness facilities. The strongest...


Compression Devices for Exercise Recovery

Intermittent Pneumatic Compression or (IPC) is the use of a commercially manufactured device to improve blood flow, lymphatic drainage and remove metabolic waste following exercise or sport competition (1). The proposed benefits are that of decreased muscle...


Percussion Massage

The benefits and science behind the popular vibration devices seen in many gyms, physical therapy clinics and athletic facilities Percussion or vibration therapy has become increasingly popular in physical therapy clinics, on the sidelines at sporting events and at...


The Benefits of Eccentric Exercise

Eccentric exercise or “negatives” as they are commonly referred to by gym goers, are a highly effective technique to increase muscle and tendon strength and size (2). Many rehabilitation programs utilize eccentric techniques for rebuilding damaged and weak tissue...


Squat Science: The Butt Wink

Does your lower back round or butt drop at the bottom of your squats? Do you have low back pain, groin pain, hip pain or knee pain when squatting to full depth? If you answered YES, to any of these questions your squat mechanics need to be addressed. In this...


Should We Stretch?

Believe it or not, stretching is a controversial topic in the world of fitness and rehabilitation. Arguments range from, “static stretching impairs performance!” “Stretching only gives you short term changes!” “Dynamic stretching and warmups only!” “Resistance...


What is Dry Needling?

Dry Needling has become increasingly popular among healthcare practitioners in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular pain. Now you may be thinking to yourself, “Isn’t that just the same thing as acupuncture?” And the answer is: they are completely...


Blood flow restriction training

What is Blood Flow Restriction Training? Blood Flow Restriction Training or BFR has quickly become a popular intervention in strength and conditioning, sports performance, and rehabilitation. But what exactly is BFR? How does it work? And how effective is it? If...

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