Vital Force Physio



Orthotics: Do You Need Them?

Orthotics or foot inserts are commonly used to help optimize the position of the foot in an athlete’s shoes for decreased pain and improved mechanics.Do Orthotics Work and Are They Really Necessary? This is a common question we get in our performance physical...


Stay Pain-Free During the CrossFit Offseason

“What do I do now that The 2024 CrossFit Open and Quarterfinals are over?” This is a question that 95% of CrossFit athletes are asking themselves right now. If you want to improve your positioning on the worldwide leaderboard next year, the first thing you should...


Why You Need a Running Analysis

Running analyses are performed by physical therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, fitness professionals, and running coaches to assist in the assessment of a runner’s gait mechanics. The information gained in a running analysis can shed light on impairments...

Arm Care: The Serratus Anterior

Arm Care: The Serratus Anterior

Right now you are watching a race. Who are the two competitors you ask? Well, one is a rib cage and the other is a pair of shoulder blades. You wonder to yourself, “Who’s in the lead?” The answer to this made up silly question could also be the answer to your arm...


Nutrition for Optimal Recovery

Refuel. Rebuild. Rehydrate. These three terms are often referred to as the three R’s of recovery nutrition.  Recovery nutrition can be defined as the food active individuals are encouraged to consume following physical activity. Recovery nutrition is meant to...


Pickleball Elbow

Are you a pickleball athlete with elbow pain!? This is actually a common complaint among participants in the sport. Read more to learn more about this injury and how to get out of pain. You’re probably thinking to yourself “What exactly is pickleball elbow.” To be...


Dr. Tom’s Top 5 Shoulder Exercises

For anyone who enjoys being active and working out, shoulder irritation can be a common part of the process. These are Dr. Tom’s Top 5 Shoulder Exercises to help people get out of pain or to help prevent injury. Banded External Rotation with PunchSidelying...


Dr. Bryan’s Top 5 Core Exercises

Core strengthening is a mainstay component of most fitness, sport training, rehab, bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit, and Olympic weightlifting programs. Check out Dr. Bryan’s go-to core building exercises. Each move targets a specific portion of the core for...


The CrossFit Season

Crossfit is quickly turning into a mainstream sport in the United States and around the world. With the Crossfit Games just ending last week and having significant coverage on ESPN we have now entered the post-games off season. Like many other sports, Crossfit has...

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