Like so many that have been frustrated after knee surgery, I myself have gone through the same recovery over the last 6 months. Through some good physical therapy and hard work, I feel that my knee...
Vital Force Physio
Run Your Race Faster by Strength Training Smarter
Strength training for running performance is a must if you want to prevent injury and post fast times. But as your mileage and running volume increases, your strength training sessions need to...
Footwear for Fitness
Choosing the right shoe for your athletic endeavor can be a daunting task. There are many different types of fitness shoes on the market that have promises of improving one’s performance. At Vital...
Dr. Tom’s Top 5 Low Back Exercises
There are many things that can run through someone’s mind when they hurt their back at home or in the gym. Did something serious happen? What should I do next? Will it ever get better? Back pain is...
Orthotics: Do You Need Them?
Orthotics or foot inserts are commonly used to help optimize the position of the foot in an athlete’s shoes for decreased pain and improved mechanics.Do Orthotics Work and Are They Really Necessary?...
Stay Pain-Free During the CrossFit Offseason
“What do I do now that The 2024 CrossFit Open and Quarterfinals are over?” This is a question that 95% of CrossFit athletes are asking themselves right now. If you want to improve your positioning...
Why You Need a Running Analysis
Running analyses are performed by physical therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, fitness professionals, and running coaches to assist in the assessment of a runner’s gait mechanics. The...
Arm Care: The Serratus Anterior
Right now you are watching a race. Who are the two competitors you ask? Well, one is a rib cage and the other is a pair of shoulder blades. You wonder to yourself, “Who’s in the lead?” The answer to...
Nutrition for Optimal Recovery
Refuel. Rebuild. Rehydrate. These three terms are often referred to as the three R’s of recovery nutrition. Recovery nutrition can be defined as the food active individuals are encouraged to...
Pickleball Elbow
Are you a pickleball athlete with elbow pain!? This is actually a common complaint among participants in the sport. Read more to learn more about this injury and how to get out of pain. You’re...
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