Vital Force Physio


Footwear for Fitness

October 1, 2024

Choosing the right shoe for your athletic endeavor can be a daunting task. There are many different types of fitness shoes on the market that have promises of improving one’s performance.

At Vital Force Physio we consult our athletes on the right type of shoe for their specific training and activity. This can help them optimize their performance, prevent injury, and increase comfort. For example, if you are performing barbell squats don’t wear running shoes and if you are running long distances don’t wear cross-trainers. Follow along to learn how to choose the right shoe for you!


This might be a no brainer but if you are running for exercise, you should wear a running shoe. To be more specific, if you are running for more than a ½ mile you should pick a shoe designed for running. Many CrossFit, functional fitness, HIIT, and bootcamp fitness classes incorporate quick runs that are suitable for some cross training shoes. However, when running for distance it is best to don a shoe that is lighter in weight (cross trainers typically have a solid, heavy foot plate) and has better energy transfer (think about the cushion and the rocker bottom of the running shoe). 


These types of shoes are a hybrid of a weightlifting shoe and running shoe. They typically have a flat surface on the bottom and a mild to moderate heel drop to enhance an athlete’s contact with the floor during squats, deadlifts, lunges, and other types of functional movements. Many gymgoers wear running shoes during this type of training but that can be a mistake as the base of the running shoe does not allow for the most optimal mechanics during functional movements. 

Olympic Weightlifting:

A cross-training shoe can work while performing Olympic lifting, but a shoe specifically designed for the sport may be the best. Olympic lifting shoes have a larger heel drop to help athletes increase their squat mobility during snatches, squat cleans, and other squat variations. This can allow them to accommodate to the forces of the weight more efficiently and effectively.

Body Building/Weight Training: 

We recommend using a shoe that has a good, wide toe box and flat sole for exercises such as squats, lunges, presses and other full body movement patterns. Cross trainers also work nicely!

Next time you are buying new kicks for fitness make sure to pick the one that will help you feel and move the best while optimizing your performance!

Move Stronger,

Dr. Bryan Vranic, PT, DPT, CSCS

Physical Therapist, Vital Force Physio

This is not intended to be medical advice. It is for educational purposes only. Please consult your Physical Therapist, Physician or Healthcare Provider before starting any new exercise program.   


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