As we welcome the new year and the competitive CrossFit season, many gym athletes and active individuals are increasing their training volume in preparation. But be aware, spikes in training volume come with the risk of injuries. To help manage these risks there are several things that you can do from a preventative and performance standpoint. Check out our list below to find out.
1. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Being able to take a small step back is a great way to avoid an injury during training. If there is a day where you are not feeling your best, take some extra time to work on mobility, take an active recovery day, or scale back your intensity.
2. REST MORE. Ensuring you get good, restful sleep is key to maximizing recovery for your next training session. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night is ideal for any active individual.

3. FUEL. Keeping yourself hydrated and fueled with whole foods helps your body replenish, and perform.

4. INCREASE SLOWLY. It is easy to get injured by adding a lot of volume and intensity in a short amount of time. You should start by increasing exercise volume slowly while also at an appropriate intensity that will allow your body to adapt well over time. You’re in it for the long run. Fitness is for life!
5. SPLIT SESSIONS. Being able to split your work into two sessions instead of one long session. By doing so you allow your body to absorb the stress of training in two sessions vs. all at once.
6. TECHNIQUE WORK. Spend time working on your technique. The better your form, the more efficient you will work under high intensity.

Movement is Vital for a healthy body and Your Body is a Force to be reckoned with,
Dr. Tom Long, PT, DPT, OCS, OMT-C, CF-L1
Please consult your Physical Therapist, Physician or Healthcare Provider before starting any new exercise program.