Eccentric exercise or “negatives” as they are commonly referred to by gym goers, are a highly effective technique to increase muscle and tendon strength and size (2). Many rehabilitation programs...
Vital Force Physio
Squat Science: The Butt Wink
Does your lower back round or butt drop at the bottom of your squats? Do you have low back pain, groin pain, hip pain or knee pain when squatting to full depth? If you answered YES, to any of these...
Should We Stretch?
Believe it or not, stretching is a controversial topic in the world of fitness and rehabilitation. Arguments range from, “static stretching impairs performance!” “Stretching only gives you short...
What is Dry Needling?
Dry Needling has become increasingly popular among healthcare practitioners in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular pain. Now you may be thinking to yourself, “Isn’t that just the same...
Blood flow restriction training
What is Blood Flow Restriction Training? Blood Flow Restriction Training or BFR has quickly become a popular intervention in strength and conditioning, sports performance, and rehabilitation. But...
The Barbell Deadlift: lift serious weight and be seriously fit
In the previous blog posts, “Kettlebell Deadlifts: Strengthen Your Back and Get Rid of Pain” and “Want to Move Better and Feel Stronger? Master the Hip Hinge,” we covered proper hinge technique and...
Kettlebell Deadlifts: Strengthen Your Back and Get Rid of Pain
So you mastered the hip hinge pattern and now you are starting to feel more in control of your body’s movements (If not, see previous blog post). Now what? Let’s add some weight! If you are new to...
Want to Move Better and Feel Stronger? Master the Hip Hinge!
The deadlift may be the most functional and important lift you can perform. It produces full body muscle activation, increases power production, and makes you feel like a badass! Now deadlifting...
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